our guarantee
If you aren't happy with your purchase for just about any reason you can think of, we'll do everything we can to correct it. If you have a bad recording, best thing to do is email us (we put our contact info on each CD or DVD label), and let us know the recording # from the conference it originated at, and let us know your US Mail address, and we'll get a new one out. There's no need to send the bad recording back to us, ever. If you are still displeased, a refund is always offered to you.
Just in case you missed it in various places on this website, here's our contact info again:
Mark Reinhardt
Rhino Technologies
222 Temple HIll Drive
Almo, KY 42020
270-753-0717 home/office phone
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.